florent jill gaynor suzanne activate b1 workbook with key cd

Florent Jill, Gaynor Suzanne Activate! B1 Workbook with Key with iTest (+CD) florent jill gaynor suzanne activate b1 workbook with key cd
Florent Jill, Gaynor Suzanne Activate! B1 Workbook with Key with iTest (+CD)

An exciting and intensive skills-based course, which focuses on themes from contemporary teen culture. Activate! engages students and offers highly enjoyable and thorough preparation for local and international exams.

3505 Руб.

Florent Jill, Gaynor Suzanne Activate! B1. Workbook without Key with iTest (+CD) florent jill gaynor suzanne activate b1 workbook with key cd
Florent Jill, Gaynor Suzanne Activate! B1. Workbook without Key with iTest (+CD)

Additional practice of all four skills as well as the grammar and vocabulary areas covered in the Students' Book. The Workbook is ideal for homework or self study. For each group of exercises there are references to the relevant Students' Book pages. The Activate! Workbook also contains useful functional language for use in speaking and writing tests at this level. The accompanying CD-Rom contains more grammar and vocabulary exercises as well as a language quiz for each unit and an interactive iTest.

5912 Руб.

Gaynor Suzanne Activate! A2 Workbook with Key florent jill gaynor suzanne activate b1 workbook with key cd
Gaynor Suzanne Activate! A2 Workbook with Key

An exciting and intensive skills-based course, which focuses on themes from contemporary teen culture. Activate! engages students and offers highly enjoyable and thorough preparation for local and international exams.

5765 Руб.

Florent Jill, Gaynor Suzanne Gold Experience. B1. Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook without key florent jill gaynor suzanne activate b1 workbook with key cd
Florent Jill, Gaynor Suzanne Gold Experience. B1. Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook without key

Gold Experience - это быстро развивающийся курс, который увлекает и мотивирует подростков благодаря широкому разнообразию современных тем. Такие темы, как интернет, социальные сети и телевидение, актуальны для жизни учащихся, а богатые содержанием разделы CLIL помогают им узнать о мире. Рабочая тетрадь обеспечивает тщательную и систематическую отработку грамматики и лексики, представленных в учебнике. Разделы для повторения помогают студентам просмотреть и закрепить пройденный материал. Подходит для подростков, продолжающих изучение английского языка. Уровень B1. Experience The Fun In Learning English. Gold Experience is a fast-paced course that engages and motivates teenagers with its wide variety of contemporary topics. Contexts such as the internet, social media and television are relevant to students' lives and content-rich CLIL subjects help students learn about the world.

2776 Руб.

Florent Jill, Gaynor Suzanne Gold Experience. B1. Language and Skills Workbook florent jill gaynor suzanne activate b1 workbook with key cd
Florent Jill, Gaynor Suzanne Gold Experience. B1. Language and Skills Workbook

Gold Experience - это быстро развивающийся курс, который увлекает и мотивирует подростков благодаря широкому разнообразию современных тем. Такие темы, как интернет, социальные сети и телевидение, актуальны для жизни учащихся, а богатые содержанием разделы CLIL помогают им узнать о мире. Рабочая тетрадь обеспечивает тщательную и систематическую отработку грамматики и лексики, представленных в учебнике. Тетрадь содержит дополнительные упражнения для практики навыков говорения, аудирования и письма. Разделы для повторения помогают студентам просмотреть и закрепить пройденный материал. Подходит для подростков, продолжающих изучение английского языка. Уровень B1. Experience The Fun In Learning English. Gold Experience is a fast-paced course that engages and motivates teenagers with its wide variety of contemporary topics. Contexts such as the internet, social media and television are relevant to students' lives and content-rich CLIL subjects help students learn about the world.

4677 Руб.

Gaynor Suzanne Activate! A2 Workbook without Key florent jill gaynor suzanne activate b1 workbook with key cd
Gaynor Suzanne Activate! A2 Workbook without Key

An exciting and intensive skills-based course, which focuses on themes from contemporary teen culture. Activate! engages students and offers highly enjoyable and thorough preparation for local and international exams.

2530 Руб.

Barraclough C. Activate! B1+ Workbook with Key + CD-ROM Pack florent jill gaynor suzanne activate b1 workbook with key cd
Barraclough C. Activate! B1+ Workbook with Key + CD-ROM Pack

Activate! B1 is ideal for teenage students who are preparing for all B1 level examinations. - The Workbook offers consolidation and extension of the language points presented in the Students Book. - The CD ROM contains interactive grammar and vocabulary activities to reinforce key language points. - iTests provide authentic exam practice with instant feedback allowing students to identify areas which require further practice.

2519 Руб.

Barraclough C. Activate! B1+ Workbook with Key + CD-ROM Pack florent jill gaynor suzanne activate b1 workbook with key cd
Barraclough C. Activate! B1+ Workbook with Key + CD-ROM Pack

Activate! B1 is ideal for teenage students who are preparing for all B1 level examinations. - The Workbook offers consolidation and extension of the language points presented in the Students Book. - The CD ROM contains interactive grammar and vocabulary activities to reinforce key language points. - iTests provide authentic exam practice with instant feedback allowing students to identify areas which require further practice.

2519 Руб.

Activate! B1+ Workbook without Key (+CD) florent jill gaynor suzanne activate b1 workbook with key cd
Activate! B1+ Workbook without Key (+CD)

An exciting and intensive skills-based course, which focuses on themes from contemporary teen culture. Activate! engages students and offers highly enjoyable and thorough preparation for local and international exams.

5153 Руб.

Barraclough Carolyn, Roderick Megan Activate! B1+. Workbook with Key (+CD) florent jill gaynor suzanne activate b1 workbook with key cd
Barraclough Carolyn, Roderick Megan Activate! B1+. Workbook with Key (+CD)

An exciting and intensive skills-based course, which focuses on themes from contemporary teen culture. Activate! engages students and offers highly enjoyable and thorough preparation for local and international exams.

5615 Руб.

Barraclough Carolyn, Gaynor Suzanne Activate! B1 Student's Book & Active Book Pack (+CD) florent jill gaynor suzanne activate b1 workbook with key cd
Barraclough Carolyn, Gaynor Suzanne Activate! B1 Student's Book & Active Book Pack (+CD)

An exciting and intensive exams preparation course tailored to meet the needs of your teenage students. Focusing on themes from teen culture brought to life with the inspiring DVD, Activate! offers an enjoyable and highly motivating exam preparation experience for a range of international exams. - The rigorous exam syllabus combined with enjoyable topics and tasks ensure your teenage students reach their full potential - Motivate your students with the exciting components including students' DVD, and students' CD ROM - Give your students the opportunity to test themselves and monitor their progression with the fully interactive iTests - Easy preparation for multiple exams with the flexible materials in the teacher's Exam Box and extensive exam practice activities.

8752 Руб.

Florent Jill Our World. Level 2. Workbook (+CD) florent jill gaynor suzanne activate b1 workbook with key cd
Florent Jill Our World. Level 2. Workbook (+CD)

Our World is a six-level primary series in British English that uses fun and fascinating National Geographic content, with stunning images and video, to give young learners the essential English language, skills, and knowledge they need to understand their world.

1385 Руб.

Activate! B2 WB+iTest Multi-Rom + key florent jill gaynor suzanne activate b1 workbook with key cd
Activate! B2 WB+iTest Multi-Rom + key

An exciting and intensive skills-based course, which focuses on themes from contemporary teen culture. Activate! engages students and offers highly enjoyable and thorough exam preparation. Key features: Motivating DVD clips taken from authentic TV programmes; Teenage ‘exam coach’ characters support students with the Skillzone and Examzone boxes; Extensive exam practice in the Workbook and the Use of English book, and on the Workbook CD-ROM; Preparation for multiple exams using the materials in the Teacher’s book and Teacher’s Exam box. Interactive exam practice at iTests.com and on CD-ROM allows students to test themselves, monitor their progress and improve exam performance.

2519 Руб.

Activate! B2 WB+iTest Multi-Rom + key florent jill gaynor suzanne activate b1 workbook with key cd
Activate! B2 WB+iTest Multi-Rom + key

An exciting and intensive skills-based course, which focuses on themes from contemporary teen culture. Activate! engages students and offers highly enjoyable and thorough exam preparation. Key features: Motivating DVD clips taken from authentic TV programmes; Teenage ‘exam coach’ characters support students with the Skillzone and Examzone boxes; Extensive exam practice in the Workbook and the Use of English book, and on the Workbook CD-ROM; Preparation for multiple exams using the materials in the Teacher’s book and Teacher’s Exam box. Interactive exam practice at iTests.com and on CD-ROM allows students to test themselves, monitor their progress and improve exam performance.

2519 Руб.

Upstream Elementary A2 Class Audio CDs (set of 3) florent jill gaynor suzanne activate b1 workbook with key cd
Upstream Elementary A2 Class Audio CDs (set of 3)
Бренд: Express Publishing

Уровень: Beginner A1+ to Intermediate B1+ Upstream (Beginner to Level B1+) предназначен для студентов, изучающих английский язык с нуля до среднего уровня. Каждый уровень УМК состоит из пяти модулей и обеспечивает систематическое развитие всех четырех языковых навыков – аудирование, говорение, чтение и письмо. Учебник и Рабочая тетрадь покрывают 60 – 80 часов аудиторной работы. Рабочая тетрадь содержит лексику, грамматику, задания на аудирование и письмо, разделы с различными логическими задачами, мотивирующими ученика к изучению английского языка, и скрипты к заданиям на прослушивание. Книга для учителя включает в себя пошаговые конспекты лекций, дополнительные идеи, задания для внеклассных занятий и ключи к учебнику. The Test Booklets предоставляет возможность учителю оценить уровень усвояемости пройденного материала, а также проверить в середине года прогресс учащихся в процессе обучения. Основные характеристики учебника: тематические разделы составлены из различных тем; представлены кросскультурные и межкультурные темы; имеются логические задачи, заключающие в себе всю необходимую лексику, словосочетания, встречающиеся в повседневной разговорной речи, фразовые глаголы и словообразование. грамматические разделы охватывают все основные области грамматики и раздел Grammar Reference; анализ состава практической части курса по всем видам письма с практическими моделями разговорной деятельности. компоненты A1+ B1 Upstream Beginner A1+. Student's Book. Учебник Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Student's Book. Учебник Upstream Beginner A1+. Workbook. Рабочая тетрадь Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Workbook. Рабочая тетрадь Upstream Beginner A1+. Workbook Key. Ответы к рабочей тетради Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Workbook Key. Ответы к рабочей тетради. Upstream Beginner A1+. Class Audio CDs. (set of 3). Аудио CD для работы в классе Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Class Audio CDs. (set of 4). CD для работы в классе Upstream Beginner A1+. Student's Audio CD. Аудио CD для работы дома Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Student's Audio CD. Аудио CD для работы дома Upstream Beginner A1+. Teacher's Book. Книга для учителя Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Teacher's Book. (interleaved). Книга для учителя Upstream Beginner A1+. Workbook. (Teacher's). КДУ к рабочей тетради Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Workbook. (Teacher's). КДУ к рабочей тетради. Upstream Beginner A1+. Test Booklet. Сборник тестовых заданий и упражнений Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Test Booklet. Сборник тестовых заданий и упражнений. Upstream Beginner A1+. Test Booklet CD-ROM. CD-ROM к сборнику тест. зад. и упр. Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Test Booklet CD-ROM. CD-ROM к сборнику тест. зад. и упр. Upstream Beginner A1+. My Language Portfolio. Языковой портфель Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. My Language Portfolio. Языковой портфель Upstream Beginner A1+. DVD Activity Book. Рабочая тетрадь к DVD. Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. DVD Activity Book. Рабочая тетрадь к DVD. Upstream Beginner A1+. DVD Video. PAL. DVD видео Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. DVD Video. PAL. DVD видео Upstream Beginner A1+. Interactive Whiteboard Software. Комп. прогр. для интерак. доски Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Interactive Whiteboard Software. Комп. прогр. для интерак. доски. А2 B1+ Upstream Elementary A2. Student's Book. Учебник Upstream Level B1+. Student's Book. Учебник Upstream Elementary A2. Workbook. Рабочая тетрадь Upstream Level B1+. Workbook. Рабочая тетрадь Upstream Elementary A2. Workbook Key. Ответы к рабочей тетради Upstream Level B1+. Class Audio CDs. (set of 3). Аудио CD для работы в классе Upstream Elementary A2. Class Audio CDs. (set of 3). Аудио CD для работы в классе Upstream Level B1+. Student's Audio CD. Аудио CD для работы дома Upstream Elementary A2. Student's Audio CD. Аудио CD для работы дома Upstream Level B1+. Teacher's Book. Книга для учителя Upstream Elementary A2. Teacher's Book. Книга для учителя Upstream Level B1+. Workbook. (Teacher's). КДУ к рабочей тетради Upstream Elementary A2. Workbook. (Teacher's). КДУ к рабочей тетради Upstream Level B1+. Test Booklet CD-ROM. Диск CD-ROM к сборнику тестов Upstream Elementary A2. Test Booklet. Сборник тестовых заданий и упражнений Upstream Level B1+. My Language Portfolio. Языковой портфель Upstream Elementary A2. Test Booklet CD-ROM. CD-ROM к сборнику тест. зад. и упр. Upstream Level B1+. DVD Activity Book. Рабочая тетрадь к DVD. Upstream Elementary A2. My Language Portfolio. Языковой портфель Upstream Level B1+. DVD Video. PAL. DVD видео Upstream Elementary A2. DVD Activity Book. Рабочая тетрадь к DVD. Upstream Level B1+. Interactive Whiteboard Software. Комп. прогр. для интерак. доски. Upstream Elementary A2. DVD Video. PAL. DVD видео Upstream Elementary A2. Interactive Whiteboard Software. Комп. прогр. для интерак. доски

1416 Руб.

Lott Hester Activate! B1 Grammar and Vocabulary florent jill gaynor suzanne activate b1 workbook with key cd
Lott Hester Activate! B1 Grammar and Vocabulary

Activate! B1 Grammar & Vocabulary provides additional practice on key grammar areas and consolidates the language covered in the Students' Book ensuring your students are fully prepared for their exam. Grammarzones with clear grammar rules Intensive exam practice sections Grammar and vocabulary based exercises

4792 Руб.


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